• Madrid's Royal Palace. It's considered by many to be one of the finest palaces in Europe más

  • The Alcázar of Segovia. It's a stone fortification, located in the city of Segovia más

  • Las Teresitas Beach. It's one of the most popular beaches of Tenerife Island más

  • La Cibeles Square. It is one of Madrid's most important symbols más

  • Arrecife/Lanzarote (Canary Islands) was declared Biosphere Reserve in 1993 más

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Spain Location Spain Location

Top Nature Tourism Attractions

If anything characterizes Spain is its many mountainous areas and forests. Interior forests, Atlantic and Mediterranean.

In Spain there are about 18,000 million of trees each year and grow an average of over 284 million.

Spain is the second country in the European Union with more forest area, a total of 27 million hectares, 58 percent of its territory and the wooded area.

There are also several areas declared as Nature Parks and National Parks: Doñana, Cabrera, Cíes Islands (in Galicia), Monfragüe, Picos de Europa, Sierra Nevada, Tablas de Daimiel, Teide (in Tenerife, Canary Islands), Timanfaya (in Lanzarote, Canary Islands), Sanabria Lake Natural Park, etc.

Many people are in the countryside and have great facilities for tourists to enjoy this wonderful natural environment. Cottages, rural tourism centers, active tourism, Mountan-bike routes, hiking are some of the deals you can find in these places.

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Green Spain!

* Asturias
* Galicia
* Cantabria (Pasiegos de Cantabria).
* País Vasco
* La Rioja
* Aragón
* Castilla y León
* Catalonia