• Madrid's Royal Palace. It's considered by many to be one of the finest palaces in Europe más

  • The Alcázar of Segovia. It's a stone fortification, located in the city of Segovia más

  • Las Teresitas Beach. It's one of the most popular beaches of Tenerife Island más

  • La Cibeles Square. It is one of Madrid's most important symbols más

  • Arrecife/Lanzarote (Canary Islands) was declared Biosphere Reserve in 1993 más

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Top Mountain Tourism Attractions

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Skiing, snowboarding, climbing, mountain hiking:

* Pirineo Catalán (Baqueira Beret).
* Pirineo Aragonés (Astún, Candanchú, Formigal).
* Sierra de Tramuntana.
* Picos de Europa.
* Sierra Nevada.
* La Palma.
* Montes Vascos.
* Sierra de Guadarrama.